Add New Site’s Profile

IZIHelp allows managing Live Chat on multiple websites by integrating them into the one system.

View menu/ IZIMessage/ tab Profile

(1) Add profile

(2) Edit general:

Domain name: enter the website link you want to use LiveChat.

Logo: upload the logo company.

Language: choose language you want to use.

Company name: enter the Legal Name of Business

Agent name: enter the representative/ business name is displayed when the employees chat with the customers. The system will take the name of the employee to display if not filling.

(3) Edit Appearance: Status, Schedule, Theme color, Content ….

(4) Edit Form:

  • Pre-chat Form: Enable pre-chat form, Agent can active chat, Greeting
  • Visitor Info: Name, Email, Phone or Custom fields (required or not required…)(a) Add(b) Delete Field(c) Edit

(5) Edit Routing: Allowing the customers to select groups (departments) to chat

Enable Routing:

  • (a) Title: the name of the group/ department will be displayed allowing customers to choose such as: Sales, IT, QC, other…
  • (b) Group name
  • (c) Real group name in the system.
  • (d) Add the new group chat
  • (e) Remove the group chat

(6) Deactivate live chat: Customers will no longer see the Live Chat window on the website.